Paula grew up in a small place in The Netherlands, surrounded by Mother Nature in a beautiful forest. Since she can remember she had the longing for living abroad in a warmer country. More than a few years ago she followed her intuition and moved to Barcelona in Spain.
She believes we all planned our lives before we incarnated on Earth.
The healing journey into the remembrance of who we truly are is very personal and different for each individual. There are many different tools we can use that can help us to become more aware, to heal, to remember and to connect with our true authentic self. We are always connected and already have all the answers from within us.
She loves reading books, and is a small library for friends, it gives her a lot of joy and peace. Reading 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life' from Drunvalo Melchizedek 6 years ago has changed her perspective of the reality we live in. Since she was little she always had the strong believe and knowingness that 'everything happens for a reason'. She has always been attracted to the stars, and felt a very strong longing and connection to them. Childhood memories of sleeping under a ceiling full of luminous stars in the bedroom, feeling more safe and calm.
She has been chasing different Yoga and Divine Feminine retreats since 2019. She feels very strongly about the Rise of the Divine Feminine Energy and the importance of embodying and reclaiming this within us. We are sacred and powerful, not to be put in little boxes!
Since 2020 she got attuned to the first level of Reiki (Usui System) and this was the start of many more different healing modalities she has learned.
During her first Yoga Teacher training in Malaga in 2021 she discovered her passion for mental health, to teach and share with others about connecting the body, mind and spirit. She strongly believes we carry our own medicine within us!
She connected with Sacred Sound during her journey in Lake Atitlan, beginning of 2023. Sound is Frequency! Our voice is the most powerful unique healing instrument we have.
Life as an incredible, magical journey and she believes there is always more and more and more to unlearn and to rediscover.
As she is continuing to open her heart for new experiences, expansion and healing, she is here to connect with you.
Wishing you a Balanced, Connected, Relaxed and Joyful rest of your day. Â
Reiki - first, second, third degree
Usui System of Natural Healing
Barcelona, Spain
RYT - 50H Yin Yoga
House of InnerPower
Malaga, Spain
RYT - 200H Hatha - Elemental Yoga
Shamana School of Yoga, Guatemala
Quantum Soul Guidance - Galactic Astrology
Julia Balaz
Priestess of Sacred Sound - Soundhealer
Elsa Field, Myrtle Grove Mystery School
IPHM Certified
Sakh Majat - Energy Healing
Barcelona, Spain